International Standards Review

There are now a plethora of standards/schemes for assessing the sustainability performance of buildings that are operating from different regions around the world, including in Europe (e.g. BREEAM, HQE, DGNB), North America (e.g. LEED, Green Globes, Living Building Challenge, WELL Building), the Middle East (e.g. Pearl), Asia (e.g. CASBEE, BEAM, Three Star, Green Mark) and Oceania (e.g. Green Star, NABERS). If BREEAM is to maintain its position as the world’s leading sustainability assessment method and continue to grow its presence internationally, it is imperative to understand how BREEAM’s competitors are addressing the wide range of established and emerging sustainability related technical issues and how BREEAM compares in terms of rigour and robustness.

This research presents the findings of an initial high level mapping exercise of the technical issues of Chinese Assessment Standard for Green Building (more commonly known as ‘Three Star’) and the WELL Building Standard® against the technical requirements of the BREEAM International New Construction 2016 and/or BREEAM International In-Use 2015 schemes. Subsequently two briefing papers have been released presenting this information and can be found in the links below:

Alignment between BREEAM and the Chinese Assessment Standard for Green Building

Alignment between BREEAM and the WELL building standard